For over 30 years, Beau Tsai has been applying talent and precision skill to creating one-of-a-kind lampworking sculptures made from borosilicate glass. He is well known for his meticulous attention to detail, which has won him many awards and recognition through the years.
Born to be an artist. That seems to be he best way to describe Beau. At a very young age Beau, growing up in Taiwan, discovered his love and passion for the arts. Regardless of the medium – whether it was pencil sketches on paper or wood carving sculptures, he had an incredible knack for capturing with perfection the details of whatever the subject he created. Art was by far his favorite past time.
It wasn’t until Beau immigrated to the United States that he started to consider art as a career. He has a degree in business administration and started his career in the United States in the business world, but soon happened upon a glass blowing demonstration. Fascinated with the new medium of glass, Beau decided that he wanted to learn glass blowing and quickly picked it up on his own initially as a hobby. After some time and practice he started going to small arts and craft shows, where he soon realized that he could actually turn his hobby into a career.
If you have any questions about Beau’s work, please reach out through social media or beautsai[at]hotmail[dot]com.